Monday, March 31, 2014

Welcome to the Blog!

Hi Everyone!

So glad you've found the blog. I am trying to fundraise college tuition for girls in India who live in a girls' home. In India college is much cheaper than in the US, but still very expensive for those who don't have very much. There is a particular group of girls I am trying to help, the girls at the Valsalya Bhavan Girls' Home in Kerala, India. I had the opportunity to meet with them over the summer and help them with learning English. There are several very motivated girls among them who could do so much with a college education but may never have the chance. The organization which cares for them provides food, clothing, shelter and school supplies for the girls, but is not able to pay for college as well.

This is where we come in. I believe if everyone gives a little, we will be able to raise funds for these girls to go to college. Education is always important, but especially in a society where girls are not always considered as valuable or important as boys, I believe that the key to changing this situation is by enabling these girls to go as far as their drive to succeed will take them. And the girls have the drive - I've seen it firsthand.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you're encouraged to spread the word and donate!

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